Steve Zook

Let the Children Come

Our local school district here in Missouri reports more than one-thousand homeless school students in Miller, Camden, Morgan, Phelps, and Pulaski counties. I suspect your church community is similar. Praise God these homeless children are reachable from our congregations.
The school district’s definition of homeless is, “Those who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence.” This includes:
Children who are sharing housing with others due to a loss of housing from an economic hardship;

Hearing Loss?

Recently I found myself in an exam room with a hearing specialist. From this visit and some recent study, I conclude the following.
There are four main parts of the human hearing system. First, is the acoustic collector. The acoustic collector includes the auricle, the most visible part of the ear. The auricle is the fleshy curved part of the ear made of tough, elastic tissue covered with a thin layer of skin. It also includes the inside ear canal and eardrum.

The Christian's Testimony

Does it really matter what my neighbors think of me? If I have a right relationship with God and the church, should I be concerned with the perceptions of someone who I hardly know. What is my responsibility? Christ admonished his disciples to “Go ye therefore and teach all nations…” (Matt 28:19a). regardless of where we find ourselves geographically; we are commanded to teach the Good News of the Gospel to a world dwelling in the darkness of sin. The testimony we have in the eyes of our neighbor will certainly have an influence on the effectiveness of our teaching.


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