Genesis 1:24
1. Creation Of Man
a. Man was made in God's image.
b. Man was made superior to the animals.
c. God created man a living soul.
d. God created man a creature of choice.
e. God created man innocent.
f. God created man to commune with him.
g. God created man perfect. (very good)
2. Fall of man.
a. Innocence was lost.
b. Fellowship was lost.
c. Life was lost.
3. Sacrifices for sin.
4. Christ's perfect sacrifice.
Hebrews 10
c. He sanctified us from our sins.
d. He opened communion with the Father.
- We are sinners by birth and choice.
- The very fig leaves we use sometimes are witness against us.
- Christ's sacrifice was made to reconcile me to God for his pleasure.
- The wages of sin is still death.