For spiritual assistance call: 1-877-746-3437 •
But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers onlyJames 1:22 (KJV)
Edwin Eby | Tyrone
Jason Sensenig | Tyrone
Ben Derstine | Darbun
John Strite | Darbun
Anthony Good | 2021 Appalachian District Bible Conference-Camp Manatwagan | Fourth Avenue
Sherwin Weaver | Leola
Jon Hurst | Great Lakes
Virgil Heisey | Providence
Jason Sensenig | Mt. Joy
Sonny Bear | Winchester
Lyndon Burkholder | Youth Institute 2015 | Swatara
Jesse Hostetler | Great Lakes
Anthony Kreider | Light of Truth
Keith Eby | Fourth Avenue