
Matthew 12:22-50

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Part of series: Book of Matthew
Speaker Name: 
Sunday, May 28, 2017 - 23:00
Sermon ID: 

Matthew 12:22-37
I. Can a devil be cast out by any power other than God? Matthew 7 Acts 19: 11-16 Mark 1: 21-27
II. Why would Jesus allow a superior demon to cast out a lesser demon? Matthew 12: 45
III. Blaspheming the Holy Ghost- the unpardonable sin Matthew 12:31 Matthew 12: 38-45
IV. A sign is never given to those who have no intention of believing
Matthew 12: 46-50
I. The spiritual family of a believer supercedes earthly ties
What can we learn from these passages?
I. We must be aware of the danger of deception
A. What keeps us from being decieved?
1.Knowing the Bible
2. Obedience
II. The principle of "what is in our hearts coming out" is true
III. Asking God to provide signs for us is unwise
IV. Jesus tells us how we can be part of his family
V. We learn that there is a spiritual and a natural family