Matthew 15
-The Jews usually discussed issuses in this manner.
- Jesus did not break the Law, He only broke the laws that the Jewish leaders had come up with.
- The Jewish leaders encouraged their people to give money to the temple but didn't encourage them to financially help their parents.
- What we take into our mouth doesn't make us less righteous
- When Jesus refers to the woman as a dog he was referring to her as a pet dog not a cursed dog
- Our traditions can become a means of disobeying God
- We cannot try to turn a tradition into a commandment
- Truth will always offend religions not founded on truth
- We are sinners because we sinned
- We need to thank God that the Gentiles are included in the Gosple
- We wish people would get out of our lives that need more spiritual, physical and financial help but then we lose a blessing
Speaker Name:
Sunday, August 27, 2017 - 23:00
Sermon ID: