Sermons Table

E.g., 2024-12-27
E.g., 2024-12-27
E.g., 2024-12-27
Title Speaker Congregation Date Sermon IDsort ascending
The Seventy Weeks of Daniel J. Elvin Horst Swatara 03/02/2019 SWA-20190203-16319
Standing on the Promises of God Darvin Weaver Swatara 03/02/2019 SWA-20190203-16304
The War For Man's Soul David Mast Swatara 27/01/2019 SWA-20190127-16209
Behold Your God Dervin Witmer Swatara 20/01/2019 SWA-20190120-16188
Carefulness in an Age of Consumerism and Easy Credit Galen Martin Swatara 16/01/2019 SWA-20190116-16184
Worship In Spirit and in Truth Anthony Good Swatara 13/01/2019 SWA-20190113-16168
The Glorious Church Duane Witmer Swatara 06/01/2019 SWA-20190106-16152
Where There Is No Vision Brendon Martin Swatara 30/12/2018 SWA-20181230-16102
Light in a Dark Place David Mast Swatara 23/12/2018 SWA-20181223-16081
The Body of Christ Dervin Witmer Swatara 16/12/2018 SWA-20181216-16154
Our Hearts Delight in God Anthony Good Swatara 09/12/2018 SWA-20181209-16033
Temptations That Jesus Faced in the Wilderness Jonathan Burkholder Swatara 02/12/2018 SWA-20181202-16013
Baptism Message Darvin Weaver Swatara 25/11/2018 SWA-20181125-15985
What Does It Cost to be a Christian? Keith Weaver Swatara 18/11/2018 SWA-20181118-15957
Be Ready Always to Give an Answer Dale Witmer Swatara 14/11/2018 SWA-20181114-15952
Nomination Service Sherwin Weaver Swatara 05/11/2018 SWA-20181105-15905
Christian Courtship Nevin Zimmerman Swatara 04/11/2018 SWA-20181104-15964
Our Congregation Looks at a Deacon Ordination Anthony Good Swatara 04/11/2018 SWA-20181104-15883
Traditions, Culture, & Personal Convictions David Mast Swatara 28/10/2018 SWA-20181028-15856
Lessons From The Life of Daniel Darvin Weaver Swatara 21/10/2018 SWA-20181021-15827
Qualifications of Servant Leadership Darvin Weaver Swatara 14/10/2018 SWA-20181014-15792
God's Truth About Hell Calvin Bauman Swatara 07/10/2018 SWA-20181007-15775
Guarding the Innocency of our Children Calvin Bauman Swatara 07/10/2018 SWA-20181007-15762
Lest Any Root of Bitterness Springing up Trouble You Calvin Bauman Swatara 06/10/2018 SWA-20181006-15756
The Work of the Cross Calvin Bauman Swatara 05/10/2018 SWA-20181005-15751
The Deceitfulness of Suspicion Calvin Bauman Swatara 04/10/2018 SWA-20181004-15749
Whose Fault Is It Calvin Bauman Swatara 03/10/2018 SWA-20181003-15744
Healing in the Tassles Calvin Bauman Swatara 02/10/2018 SWA-20181002-15741
To Live is to Give Calvin Bauman Swatara 01/10/2018 SWA-20181001-15736
Will We Experience Revival This Week? Brendon Martin Swatara 30/09/2018 SWA-20180930-15716
The Efficacy of the Cross Anthony Good Swatara 23/09/2018 SWA-20180923-15674
For I Am Not Ashamed of the Gospel of Christ Duane Eby Swatara 19/09/2018 SWA-20180919-15662
Clay In The Master's Hand Darvin Weaver Swatara 16/09/2018 SWA-20180916-15649
Through the Eye of Faith Brendle Martin Swatara 09/09/2018 SWA-20180909-15610
Examining Counseling Concepts Jimmy Weaver Swatara 02/09/2018 SWA-20180902-15604
The Case for Christian Brotherhood David Mast Swatara 02/09/2018 SWA-20180902-15584
God's Sovereignty vs. Nebuchadnezzar Darvin Weaver Swatara 26/08/2018 SWA-20180826-15549
Heart Health in Hard Times David Mast Swatara 19/08/2018 SWA-20180819-15528
Marks of Spiritual Vitality Anthony Good Swatara 12/08/2018 SWA-20180812-15499
He That Overcometh Shall Inherit All Things Dennis Martin Swatara 05/08/2018 SWA-20180805-15491
Choosing to Be a Part of the People of God Will Taylor Swatara 05/08/2018 SWA-20180805-15490
Meekness that Inherits the Kingdom Dennis Martin Swatara 05/08/2018 SWA-20180805-15476
Worship that Inherits the Kingdom Dennis Martin Swatara 05/08/2018 SWA-20180805-15461
Choosing Godly Friends Steve Long Swatara 05/08/2018 SWA-20180805-15455
Moral Purity That Inherits the Kingdom Dennis Martin Swatara 04/08/2018 SWA-20180804-15449
Choosing To Embrace A Lifestyle Of Service Anthony Hurst Swatara 04/08/2018 SWA-20180804-15446
Sobriety that Inherits the Kingdom Dennis Martin Swatara 04/08/2018 SWA-20180804-15445
Service Opportunities - Street Work Andy Zimmerman Swatara 04/08/2018 SWA-20180804-15444
Service Opportunities - Shepherd's Fold Ezra Luthy Swatara 04/08/2018 SWA-20180804-15443
Service Opportunities - Children's Ministries Daryl Landis Swatara 04/08/2018 SWA-20180804-15442
