Sermons Table

E.g., 2024-12-27
E.g., 2024-12-27
E.g., 2024-12-27
Title Speaker Congregation Date Sermon IDsort ascending
The Sacrifice of Thanksgiving David Mast Swatara 12/11/2017 SWA-20171112-14257
Black and White Living in a World of Gray Duane Eby Swatara 05/11/2017 SWA-20171105-14241
Learning to Focus on the Goodness of God - part 1 Darvin Weaver Swatara 05/11/2017 SWA-20171105-14226
Abraham and Isaac Worship Upon the Mountain David Mast Swatara 29/10/2017 SWA-20171029-14193
Youth With A Purpose Darvin Weaver Swatara 22/10/2017 SWA-20171022-14166
The Church of Jesus Christ - Part 1 Anthony Good Swatara 15/10/2017 SWA-20171015-14132
Relationship The Bible Way Brendon Martin Swatara 08/10/2017 SWA-20171008-14103
God's Word on Raising Children Sherwin Brougher Swatara 01/10/2017 SWA-20171001-14079
Helping the Over-Sensitive Conscience Sherwin Brougher Swatara 30/09/2017 SWA-20170930-14072
The God of Your Music Sherwin Brougher Swatara 29/09/2017 SWA-20170929-14122
Don't Burn Your Bridge Sherwin Brougher Swatara 28/09/2017 SWA-20170928-14069
Skeletons in the Closet Sherwin Brougher Swatara 27/09/2017 SWA-20170927-14055
Jesus, Our Sin Bearer Sherwin Brougher Swatara 26/09/2017 SWA-20170926-14045
Somewhere Forever Sherwin Brougher Swatara 25/09/2017 SWA-20170925-14056
Is Jesus Your King? Anthony Good Swatara 17/09/2017 SWA-20170917-14006
We Will be Held Accountable for Our Speech Darvin Weaver Swatara 10/09/2017 SWA-20170910-13980
Translated from Darkness to Light Anthony Good Swatara 03/09/2017 SWA-20170903-13961
A Wise Son David Mast Swatara 27/08/2017 SWA-20170827-13938
The Lord Is My Banner Darvin Weaver Swatara 20/08/2017 SWA-20170820-13916
The Headship Veiling Anthony Good Swatara 13/08/2017 SWA-20170813-13891
Jesus Christ - The Ultimate Victor Jonny Miller Swatara 06/08/2017 SWA-20170806-13881
Worship - Our Highest Calling Jonny Miller Swatara 06/08/2017 SWA-20170806-13879
Sin- God's Unchanging Definition Jonny Miller Swatara 06/08/2017 SWA-20170806-13870
Why I Draw Lines on Technology Dwayne Zimmerman Swatara 06/08/2017 SWA-20170806-13866
Breakout session: Bangladesh ESL Teacher Keith Sensenig Swatara 05/08/2017 SWA-20170805-13862
Breakout session: Honduras Work Project Reynold Witmer Swatara 05/08/2017 SWA-20170805-13861
Breakout session: School teaching Moses Martin Swatara 05/08/2017 SWA-20170805-13860
Self Denial: The Path to Happiness Jonny Miller Swatara 05/08/2017 SWA-20170805-13859
Why I Draw Lines on Movies Anthony Landis Swatara 05/08/2017 SWA-20170805-13858
Creation: Absolutes Established Jonny Miller Swatara 04/08/2017 SWA-20170804-13857
Genuine Love Springing From an Honest Faith Darvin Weaver Swatara 30/07/2017 SWA-20170730-13838
Striving For Perfection David Mast Swatara 23/07/2017 SWA-20170723-13822
Stewardship - Managing God's Money Shawn Martin Swatara 19/07/2017 SWA-20170719-13817
Maintaining Genuine Love - Part 2 Darvin Weaver Swatara 16/07/2017 SWA-20170716-13796
The Laid Down Life Kinley Coulter Swatara 02/07/2017 SWA-20170702-13772
Maintaining Genuine Love - Part 1 Darvin Weaver Swatara 02/07/2017 SWA-20170702-13763
Overcoming Temptation David Mast Swatara 25/06/2017 SWA-20170625-13729
Faithful Fathers Curvin Weaver Swatara 18/06/2017 SWA-20170618-13666
Jesus Is Coming Again Anthony Good Swatara 11/06/2017 SWA-20170611-13590
Reflecting Jesus Christ in Everyday Living Jon Hurst Swatara 04/06/2017 SWA-20170604-13585
Building on the Sure Foundation Jon Hurst Swatara 04/06/2017 SWA-20170604-13566
The Power of Choice Darvin Weaver Swatara 28/05/2017 SWA-20170528-13537
The Necessity of Conviction Anthony Good Swatara 21/05/2017 SWA-20170521-13507
Women of Honor Darvin Weaver Swatara 14/05/2017 SWA-20170514-13480
Inspiring Compassion in our Congregation and Community Gary Horst Swatara 07/05/2017 SWA-20170507-13471
Inspiring the Rising Generation to Righteous Living Gary Horst Swatara 07/05/2017 SWA-20170507-13466
Inspiring Our Families to Godly Worship Gary Horst Swatara 07/05/2017 SWA-20170507-13458
Integrity Jonathan Burkholder Swatara 30/04/2017 SWA-20170430-13436
Having A Meaningful Communion Service Darvin Weaver Swatara 23/04/2017 SWA-20170423-13395
Setting Up Banners for Our God Virgil Heisey Swatara 20/04/2017 SWA-20170420-13435
